
Service Steel Aerospace is one of the largest aerospace steel and titanium distributors in the world. SSA stocks a vast selection of aerospace quality steel and titanium products for the aerospace industry as well as other critical application industries.


Here are just some of the markets we serve. Hover or click on a market for more information.



XFor over 43 years, SSA has built its business around the commercial aerospace market. By strategically stocking specialized grades of aerospace metals throughout the US, we are able to meet your quality and specification requirements as well as providing you with the award winning service we have earned a reputation for within the industry.


XAs the world looks to SPACE for our newest frontier, SSA is supporting the major Space manufactures and their sub-contractors with our 40+ years of Aerospace expertise, quality, and vast inventory of specialty aerospace metals.


XSSA is committed to supporting the US Government, military, and allied programs around the world. With Domestic and DFAR compliant metals, our vast inventory and dedicated employees are ready to serve at a minutes notice.


XSSA enjoys being a part of many teams in the racing industry. With our attention to detail, specialized metals, and immediate response to expedited services we are able to incorporate these daily demands to each and every racing team to give them a competitive edge.
Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas

XSSA understands the value to the Oil and Gas industry when it comes to supporting the immediate needs for specialized grades of metals such as titanium, alloy steels, and stainless steels. With our commitment to detail and years of experience we are ready to serve your immediate requirements.


XSSA's extensive inventory of specialized grades of Titanium and Stainless Steel, provides the medical industry with fully certified and traceable material. SSA understands the importance of accuracy needed to ensure your order meets all of your requirements, is competetively priced and delivered on time.


XSupporting American manufacturers of firearm accessories, SSA provides Titanium, Inconel, and specialized steels for firing pins, suppressors, bolts, and other performance based parts that require the reliability and performance of aerospace metals.


XFor those enthusiast who want to utilize aerospace grade materials for their recreational hobbies or sports, giving them the ultimate edge, SSA offers a wide variety of aerospace specialty metals to choose from.


"It is the policy of Service Steel Aerospace to review and measure our processes and continually improve quality and customer satisfaction."


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Who's a good dog!

Aero is a good dog! She is doing great. Here's an update from her trainer:

"Aero is growing by leaps and bounds. She continues to amaze me how quickly she picks up what I ask of her. She is learning to do steps; up is a piece of cake. Down is a work in progress. We have to go to a building that has steps to do them. Most places here in Florida only have elevators and escalators (stairs are for emergency use only and can be harder to access)."

"We also work on her walking calmly with traffic coming at her and coming behind her she does very well. That is a six lane divided highway (during the week has much heavier traffic, we took these pics over the weekend)"

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They grow up so fast!

I am sure you all are eager to hear how our SSA Guide Dog Aero is progressing.

Aero is growing by leaps and bounds! She is almost at her full adult height, although she’ll be filling out until at least the age of 2.

Now that public excursions are allowed, Aero is learning about the big world beyond the front door. She is visiting public places to gain exposure to different sights and sounds.

She sits, lays down, stays and comes on command with minimal distractions. She is house broken, bathrooms when told "busy". She walks nicely on the left side, is getting used to the head collar, and learning good behavior in public.

The last four months have been a period of great growth and change for Aero. We hope that she continues her successful training to become a certified guide dog.

Keep up the great work Aero!

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Click here to see more events:

July 22-26, 2024

We are excited to once again attend the Farnborough International Airshow in Farnborough, UK this July. We hope to see you all there!

October 6-9, 2024

Service Steel Aerospace looks forward to seeing you at the International Titanium Association's 40th Anniversay Meeting in Austin, Texas. Let us know if you or your company will be attending so we can set up a time to meet.

December 12-14, 2024

On your marks, get set, go! This year's Performance Racing Industry PRI 2024 in Indianapolis, IN promises to be an outstanding event. Service Steel Aerospace will be there, will you? Let us know so we can meet.